I am deeply grateful to my life teachers who have installed in me a passion for movement. Since I was young, I have being involved in various sports and dancing techniques which has given me a diverse set of skills and experience.

During my career, I spent a considerable amount of time performing on stage, where I learned the importance of co-creation, to connect with other humans and to listen to my body, it was a complex and enjoyable journey, but it taught me to move in refined ways in a mutual flow of the bodies and movements of those around me.

While I enjoyed the artistic performance world, I struggled with the lack of a clear platform to support my beliefs and and the lack of capacity to transfer knowledge to others, this made me relearn everything I have learned in the past, with another perspective. I became obsessed to understand human movement.
Thanks to this identity crisis I managed to build a new image of myself, giving me the opportunity to evolve.

Today, my passion lies in working with people and guiding them through their movement journeys to build that connexion with fundamental aspects of reality.

Movements have  given me a lot and in many ways. But mainly a sense of freedom and internal and external sensitivity through the connection with myself, the environment and other humans. This is always leading me to actively find a unique and personal way of being, allowing me to live in a special and fulfilling way.





Moving better


Find a mentor, who knows how to guide, assess and motivate you is key.


learn to be rigorous with our practice will give us freedom. being consistent becomes easier when we understanding the matter of the study.


The circumstances of life are changing all the time. finding confort in a transformative practice. Knowing the tools to keep them on the pocket and bring them everywhere.


Share with a community that speaks the same language, with an interest in common: self development and movement.